2021 July Holiday Programme

Special activities

All sessions are drop in between: 10:30 – 11:30am and 1.30 – 2.30pm





14th July

Make a bird mask

Colour a native bird mask and then see if you can find the real bird on display in the Museum!

Try on our bird costumes.


16th July

Make a flappy bird

Make and colour a bird with wings that flap!

Try on our bird costumes.


21st July

Make a flappy bird

Make and colour a bird with wings that flap!

Try on our bird costumes.


23rd July

Make a bird mask

Colour a native bird mask and then see if you can find the real bird on display in the Museum!

Try on our bird costumes.

Huia FeatherOther Activities

  • Join our Museum Explorers’ Club
  • Find the Golden Frog and go in the draw to win a prize at the end of the holidays!
  • Count the huia feathers hidden around the Museum and go into the prize draw!
  • Do a museum quiz and earn a penny to play on one of our old fashioned coin games!
  • Get a closer look at the Buller’s Birds exhibition
  • Play our Spacies game upstairs - 50c a game

July School Holiday Hours

Monday to Friday 10am-4.30pm

Weekend 1-4:30pm

Admission is free