
(Service number 8/756)

First Rank Private Last Rank Private


Date 20 Apri 1887 Place of Birth Orari Bridge, Geraldine, New Zealand

Enlistment Information

Date 25 August 1915 Age 27
Address at Enlistment Morton Mains, Southland, New Zealand
Occupation Railway Surfaceman
Previous Military Experience
Marital Status Single
Next of Kin Miss Mary Lawlor (sister), Temuka
Religion Roman Catholic
Medical Information 5 foot 10 inches tall, fair complexion, grey eyes, brown hair, weight 164 lbs, chest 37 inches, good teeth

Military Service

Served with NZ Armed Forces Served in Army
Military District

Embarkation Information

Body on Embarkation Main Body
Unit, Squadron, or Ship Otago Infantry Battalion
Date 16 October 1914
Transport Hawkes Bay or Ruapehu
Embarked From Port Chalmers, New Zealand Destination Alexandria, Egypt
Other Units Served With
Last Unit Served With Otago Infantry Battalion

Military Awards

Campaigns Egyptian & Gallipoli
Service Medals 1914-1915 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal
Military Awards

Award Circumstances and Date

No information

Prisoner of War Information

Date of Capture
Where Captured and by Whom
Actions Prior to Capture
PoW Serial Number
PoW Camps
Days Interned
Liberation Date


Date 17 July 1916 Reason Medically unfit

Hospitals, Wounds, Diseases and Illnesses

18 April 1915: Australian Stationary Hospital, Lemnos - measles & pneumonia; 9 May 1915: Alexandria Hospital, Egypt; 5 June 1915: 1st Southern General Hospital Birmingham England; 15 February 1916: NZ General Hospital Cairo; 28 April 1916 Hanmer Convalescent Home, NZ.

Post-war Occupations

Tramway Conductor, Labourer, Hotel Employee


Date 3 June 1941 Age 54
Place of Death Napier, New Zealand
Memorial or Cemetery Park Island Cemetery, Napier
Memorial Reference
New Zealand Memorials

Biographical Notes

Denis was born at Orari Bridge on 20 April 1887, the fifth son of Maurice & Catherine Lawlor. Prior to joining up for WWI, he was employed in South Otago, as a plate layer for the Railways Department and living at Morton Mains, Southland. Enlisting into the 10th Otago Battalion at Dunedin on 25 August 1914, he was described as being aged 27, single, 5 foot 10 inches tall, of fair complexion, grey eyes, brown hair, weighing 164 lbs, chest 37 inches, teeth good and of the Catholic faith. He gave as his next of kin, his sister Mary Lawlor of Temuka. After training, Denis left Port Chalmers with the Main Body on 16 October 1914, aboard SS Hawkes Bay or Ruapehu, arriving in Alexandria 3 December 1914. After Egyptian service, he embarked for the Dardanelles on 12 April 1915, and, on 18 April, was admitted to the Australian Stationary Hospital Lemnos, suffering from measles and pneumonia. His condition was serious as for the next few months he was shuttled back and forth between Egypt and England, before finally leaving Suez, Egypt on 6 March 1916 aboard SS Maheno for return to NZ. 28 April 1916. There he was admitted to the Hanmer Convalescent Home for further treatment and finally discharged from the army as medically unfit on 17 July 1916. For his service he was awarded the 1914-1915 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal. In 1919 Denis was working in Christchurch as a tramway conductor, in 1928 as a labourer on Omapere Station, Hastings, and in 1935 he was a hotel employee at the Carlton Club Hotel, Gisborne. Denis died in Napier Hospital on 3 June 1941, aged 54, and is buried in the Park Island Cemetery.


Auckland Museum Cenotaph database (June 2015); Archives NZ (Personal File);; Papers Past

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Researched and Written by

Ted Hansen (SC branch NZSG)

Currently Assigned to

Not assigned.

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