
HILTON, William George Henry
(Service number 2626)

Aliases Known as Willie or Will
First Rank Last Rank


Date 15 February 1888 Place of Birth Timaru

Enlistment Information

Date 17 August 1915 Age 27 years
Address at Enlistment
Occupation Trimmer
Previous Military Experience
Marital Status Married. One child.
Next of Kin Mrs Betsy HILTON (wife), 114 Nelson Street, Annandale, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Religion Church of England
Medical Information

Military Service

Served with Australia Imperial Force Served in Army
Military District

Embarkation Information

Body on Embarkation 6th Reinforcements
Unit, Squadron, or Ship 19th Battalion
Date 2 November 1915
Embarked From Destination
Other Units Served With
Last Unit Served With

Military Awards

Service Medals 1914-1915 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal
Military Awards

Award Circumstances and Date

No information

Prisoner of War Information

Date of Capture
Where Captured and by Whom
Actions Prior to Capture
PoW Serial Number
PoW Camps
Days Interned
Liberation Date


Date 7 November 1918 Reason In consequence of medical unfitness.

Hospitals, Wounds, Diseases and Illnesses

Post-war Occupations


Date 1 September 1968 Age 80 years
Place of Death New South Wales
Memorial or Cemetery Rockwood Memorial Gardens and Crematorium, New South Wales
Memorial Reference
New Zealand Memorials

Biographical Notes

William George Henry Hilton, known as Willie or Will, was the second of the fourteen children and eldest son of George and Elizabeth Rose (née Scarf, daughter of “Strathallan” immigrants) Hilton. He was born on 15 February 1888 at Timaru and educated at Timaru Main School. A trimmer when he enlisted at Holdsworth, New South Wales on 17 August 1915 with the Australian Forces, he named his wife as next-of-kin – Mrs Betsy Hilton, 114 Nelson Street, Annandale, Sydney, NSW, Australia. William had married Elizabeth Jane Pedley (Betsy, née Stewart) on 7 February 1914 at St Peter’s, Newtown, New South Wales. Betsey was much older than Willie. Her son also served in World War One. Mona May Hilton, the daughter of Willie and Betsy was born in 1914.

William George Hilton embarked on 2 November 1915 with the 19th Battalion of the 6th Reinforcements. Mr George Hilton received official notification on 20 February 1917 yesterday that his son Private W. G. Hilton, had been admitted to Bethnal Green hospital, suffering from pleurisy. A few weeks later he received a letter from his son describing the horrors of the trenches – the cause of his pleurisy – and of trying to bury the dead. [See attachment.]

He returned to Australia from England in August 1918 per the “Medic” (Transport No. 21), arriving on 13 October. He was discharged on 7 November 1918 in consequence of medical unfitness. He was awarded the 1914-1915 Star, the British War Medal and the Victory Medal. He remained in New South Wales and, dying there on 1 September 1968, aged 80 years, he was buried (ashes) at Rockwood Memorial Gardens and Crematorium.


NZ BDM Indexes (Department of Internal Affairs) [05 January 2025]; reference to Australian WWI Service record [05 January 2025]; Australian Marriage Index ( ]05 January 2025]; Rockwood Memorial Gardens record (Find A Grave) [05 January 2025]; School Admission records (South Canterbury Branch NZSG) [05 January 2025]; Timaru Herald, 21 February 1917, 4 April 1917 (Papers Past) [05 January 2024]; assistance from Janet Williams, granddaughter of William’s sister.

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