
DEVERELL, Arthur Lindsay
(Service number 57491)

First Rank Private Last Rank Private


Date 27 November 1886 Place of Birth Invercargill

Enlistment Information

Date 19 May 1917 Age 30 years
Address at Enlistment C/o Mrs Marshall, Peel Forest, Rangitata
Occupation Kinematograph operator
Previous Military Experience
Marital Status Single
Next of Kin Walter DEVERELL (father), 209 Liddel Street, Invercargill
Religion Presbyterian
Medical Information

Military Service

Served with NZ Armed Forces Served in Army
Military District

Embarkation Information

Body on Embarkation New Zealand Expeditionary Force
Unit, Squadron, or Ship 29th Reinforcements, Canterbury Infantry Regiment, C Company
Date 15 August 1917
Transport Ruahine
Embarked From Destination
Other Units Served With
Last Unit Served With Canterbury Infantry Regiment

Military Awards

Campaigns Western European
Service Medals British War Medal; Victory Medal
Military Awards

Award Circumstances and Date

No information

Prisoner of War Information

Date of Capture
Where Captured and by Whom
Actions Prior to Capture
PoW Serial Number
PoW Camps
Days Interned
Liberation Date


Date 16 June 1919 Reason On the termination of his period of engagement.

Hospitals, Wounds, Diseases and Illnesses

Post-war Occupations



Date 4 April 1966 Age 79 years
Place of Death Christchurch
Notices Press, 5 & 6 April 1966
Memorial or Cemetery Oxford Cemetery, Canterbury
Memorial Reference
New Zealand Memorials

Biographical Notes

Arthur Lindsay Deverell was born at Invercargill on 27 November 1886, the youngest son of Walter and Charlotte Walker (née Cooper) Deverell, who had married in 1877 at Invercargill. He was educated at Invercargill South School, as were his siblings, and Forest Hill School, Southland. Arthur was a farm hand at Geraldine when he was called up in 1917. Enlisting on 19 May 1917 at Timaru, he named his father as next-of-kin – Walter Deverell, 209 Liddel Street, Invercargill. A kinematograph operator for Mrs Marshall, Peel Forest, he gave his address as care of Mrs Marshall, Peel Forest, Rangitata. He was then single and Presbyterian.

Arthur L. Deverell and seventeen comrades from the Geraldine and Temuka districts, who were going into camp to join the 31st Reinforcements, were entertained on 25 June 1917 at a farewell luncheon provided by the ladies of the Temuka Patriotic Entertainment Committee. After several addresses and roll call, the men were marched to the railway station. To the strains of the Brass Band and cheers, they left for camp. Private A. L. Deverell embarked with the Canterbury Infantry Regiment of the 29th Reinforcements, on 15 August 1917 per the “Ruahine”.

When Arthur Deverell returned to New Zealand, his intended address was Peel Forest Roadside, Rangitata. In 1921 he married Mrs Marshall – Alexandrina Florence Marshall, née McCallum, who had been widowed in 1916 and left with five young children. Arthur and Alexandrina had two daughters Alexandrina died in 1939 and was buried at Temuka with her first husband. In 1941 Arthur married Prudence Ada Wright. Arthur Lindsay Deverell died on 4 April 1966 at Christchurch, aged 79 years, and was buried at Oxford Cemetery, Canterbury, after a service at the Oxford Presbyterian Church, Prudence buried with him in 1975. Both a services plaque and a headstone mark his cemetery plot.


Auckland War Memorial Museum Cenotaph Database [03 January 2025]; NZ BDM Indexes (Department of internal Affairs) [02 January 2025]; Oxford Cemetery headstone transcription & headstone image [02 January 2025]; Temuka Leader, 26 June 1917, Press, 5 & 6 April 1966 (Papers Past) [02 & 03 January 2025]

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