
YESBERG, William Edward 
(Service number 47984)

Aliases Possibly known as Edward. Enlisted as Edward CLARKE; Birth name - William Edward YESBERG. Death name - William Edward YESBURG.
First Rank Rifleman Last Rank Rifleman


Date 9 June 1880 Place of Birth Waimate

Enlistment Information

Date 10 February 1917 Age 36 years 8 months
Address at Enlistment Okahukura
Occupation Labourer
Previous Military Experience
Marital Status Single
Next of Kin Mrs J. YESBERG (mother), Waimate, South Canterbury. (Amended to Mr J. YESBERG?)
Religion Wesleyan
Medical Information Height 5 feet 7 inches. Weight 141 lbs. Chest measurement 34-38 inches. Complexion dark. Eyes brown. Hair dark brown. Sight, hearing and colour vision all normal. Limbs and chest well formed. Full and perfect movement of all joints. Heart and lungs normal. Had had sciatica. Free from hernia, varicocele, varicose veins, haemorrhoids, inveterate or contagious skin disease. Vaccinated. Good bodily and mental health. No slight defects. No fits. Class A.

Military Service

Served with New Zealand Armed Forces Served in Army
Military District

Embarkation Information

Body on Embarkation New Zealand Rifle Brigade
Unit, Squadron, or Ship 25th Reinforcements, H Company
Date 26 April 1917
Transport Turakina
Embarked From Wellington Destination Plymouth, England
Other Units Served With
Last Unit Served With New Zealand Rifle Brigade

Military Awards

Campaigns Western European
Service Medals British War Medal; Victory Medal
Military Awards

Award Circumstances and Date

No information

Prisoner of War Information

Date of Capture
Where Captured and by Whom
Actions Prior to Capture
PoW Serial Number
PoW Camps
Days Interned
Liberation Date


Date 5 August 1919 Reason Termination of Period of Engagement

Hospitals, Wounds, Diseases and Illnesses

8 August 1917 - admitted to No.3 General Hospital at Codford - rheumatism. Left knee joint was swollen & distended with fluid; 10 September 1917 - transferred to Convalescent Hospital at Hornchurch. Swelling was diminishing; 29 September 1917 - knee nerve had recovered.

Post-war Occupations



Date 4 June 1962 Age 81 years
Place of Death Auckland
Memorial or Cemetery Waikumete Cemetery, Auckland
Memorial Reference RSA Block L, Row 3, Plot 23
New Zealand Memorials

Biographical Notes

William Edward Yesberg was born at Waimate on 9 June 1880, the third son of John and Anna Maria (Maria, née Taylor) Yesberg. John arrived in New Zealand from Germany in 1868. He married Maria from England on 9 May 1876 at St Augustine’s Church, Waimate. John Yesberg worked for the Studholmes, and in 1878 he bought a small farm at Studholme. “On Saturday night a sod whare, occupied by a man named Yesberg and his family, was burnt to the ground at Waimate. The fire was caused by sparks from the chimney, which ignited the thatched roof of the dwelling. Mrs Yesberg was severely scorched about the face whilst rescuing her children. The place was uninsured, and besides the loss sustained through the destruction of the whare and the furniture, Yesberg lost cash amounting to over £40, which he had only just received on account of wages.” [Star, 28 June 1881.] Letters of Naturalisation were issued to John (Johannes) Yesberg on 16 March 1923. There nine children were born to John and Maria, the first-born (also named William Edward Yesberg) dying in infancy. The surviving Yesberg children (five sons and three children) were educated at Waimate District High School, the girls doing well and Sarah being awarded the dux medal of the secondary division. John Yesberg farmed in the Waimate district. In June 1909, Guinness and LeCren, Ltd., offered for sale by auction Mr John Yesberg’s “compact little farm of 27 acres, with 4-roomed dwelling, on south road, near Waimate. The land is good and likely to increase in value. One acre and a quarter is presently in strawberries.”

Like some of his brothers, William Edward Yesberg appears to have gone away to the North Island as a young man. But where he settled is a mystery. The Yesberg who played football for the Athletic Club at Feilding in 1911 was likely his brother George. On 10 February 1917 at Taumarunui, he enlisted – as Edward Clarke – for service with the New Zealand Forces. It can only be assumed that he changed his name because of the German connection. He did, however, name his father and mother as John Yesberg born in Germany and Maria Yesberg born in England, respectively. He believed his father to be naturalised, whereas Richard stated that his father was not naturalised. Edward also indicated that his mother was deceased – why? He named her as next-of-kin – Mrs J. Yesberg, Waimate, South Canterbury. He was a labourer at Okahukura, single and of Wesleyan affiliation, when he enlisted on 10 February 1917 at Taimarunui. He was medically examined on 13 February 1917 at Taumarunui. He stood at 5 feet 7 inches, weighed 141 pounds, and had a chest measurement of 34-38 inches, a dark complexion dark, brown eyes and dark brown hair. His sight, hearing, colour vision, heart and lungs were all normal, his limbs and chest well formed. He had had sciatica, but was free from diseases, was vaccinated, and was in good bodily and mental health. Class A.

Private E. Clark was posted to the 26th Reinforcements in March 1917, then transferred to the 25th Reinforcements in April. Rifleman E. Clarke was to embark with the New Zealand Rifle Brigade of the 24th Reinforcements, departing from Wellington on 26 April 1917 per the “Turakina”. Disembarking at Devonport, England on 20 July 1917, he marched into Sling. On 8 August 1917 he was admitted to No. 3 General Hospital at Codford, probably from Sling, suffering from rheumatism, and again on 10 August suffering with the same condition. His left knee joint was swollen and distended with fluid. On 10 September 1917 he was transferred to the Convalescent Hospital at Hornchurch. The swelling was diminishing. As of 29 September 1917, the knee nerve had recovered, and he had no difficulty with route marching. Discharged from the New Zealand Convalescent Hospital at Hornchurch to furlough, he reported on 6 October at the New Zealand training depot at Codford where he was taken on Strength. On 23 November he moved to the Rifle Brigade Reserve.

He proceeded overseas from the New Zealand Rifle Brigade Reserve Depot at Brocton on 20 February 1918, marching in at Abeele on 24 February and joining his Battalion in France on 5 April. After being detached to 252 Tunnelling Company on 2 July 1918, he rejoined his Unit on 7 September. Going on leave to the UK on 4 January 1919, he marched into Brocton on 2 February and was detained at Headquarters. He went to Larkhill from Brocton on 6 May. All had been good when Rifleman E. Clarke (as signed), 47984, was medically examined at Brocton Camp on 3 February 1919, prior to returning home, and again on the “Tahiti” on 5 June 1919. ‘Edward Clarke’ returned to New Zealand per the “Tahiti” (Draft No. 261), embarking on 27 May 1919 and arriving on 8 July 1919. Initially, his intended address was Waimate, South Canterbury, then Okahukura via Taumarunui. Finally, by October, he was at Matiere Saw Mill, Taumarunui. William Edward Yesberg, alias Edward Clarke, was discharged on 5 August 1919, on the termination of his period of engagement. He was awarded the British War Medal and the Victory Medal for his service in Western Europe. He had been away for over two years.

William Edward Yesberg died at Auckland on 4 June 1962, a few days before his 82nd birthday. His death was registered as William Edward Yesberg, as had been his birth. Rifleman 47984 was buried in the Soldiers Section of Waikumete Cemetery, Auckland, his grave marked with a services stone. His next-of-kin at death was Mrs K. Nelson, 90 Reed Street, Oamaru. This was his sister, Elizabeth Nelson.

In October 1914, Mr John Yesberg contributed to the Home Relief Fund, and in June 1915 he contributed to the Red Cross Appeal. John Yesberg who died on 14 May 1924 at the Waimate hospital and Anna Maria Yesberg who died on 13 December 1938 at Waimate, were buried in the Old Waimate Cemetery. After her husband’s death, Anna Maria Yesberg lived with her son Richard. Yesberg Road in the Waimate district was named for John Yesberg and family. The Yesberg family of John and Maria did not feature regularly on the electoral rolls apart from George and Richard and the three daughters prior to their marriages. John Herman Yesberg, the eldest surviving son, died in January 1960 and was buried at Hokitika. William Edward Yesberg (the second so named), who served in World War One as Edward Clarke (47984), was recorded by his birth name only in the last few years before his death in 1962. Edward Yesberg who was born in 1882 died on 2 June 1955 and was buried in the Tokanui Hospital Cemetery. He featured on an electoral roll only in 1905 at home at Waimate. It appears that he may have been hospitalized from a young age. And brother George Yesberg, then a labourer at Pahiatua, was drawn in the seventh ballot in May 1917. He had previously been listed on the Reserve Rolls. George lived all his adult life in the North Island – labourer, fencer, roadman. He died on 15 October 1966 at Palmerston North Hospital and was cremated. It appears that the only bearers of the Yesberg name in New Zealand now are descendants of Richard. Richard Yesberg, the youngest brother of William Edward Yesberg (alias Edward Clarke) also served in World War One. Three nephews of William Edward Yesberg – David Henry Nelson and Robert George Nelson (sons of his sister Elizabeth), Alan James Metson (son of his sister Sarah) – served in World War Two.


Auckland War Memorial Museum Cenotaph Database [13 October 2013]; NZ Defence Force Records (Archives NZ ref. AABK 18805 W5530 0025461) [30 March 2014]; NZ BDM Indexes (Department of Internal Affairs) [30 March 2014; 11 December 2024]; Waikumete Cemetery burial records (Auckland Council) [28 April 2014], Waikumete Cemetery Monumental Inscription (South Canterbury Branch NZSG Cemetery Records microfiche collection) [02 May 2014]; Family info ( [13 October 2013]; Correspondence with Carol Payson, Perth, WA (granddaughter of Mrs Nelson, Oamaru, sister of William Edward and Richard YESBERG) [from 10 March 2014]; Star, 28 June 1881, Timaru Herald, 21 December 1891, 12 & 17 June 1909, 30 October 1914, 24 June 1919, 14 December 1938, Oamaru Mail, 12 June 1909, Waimate Daily Advertiser, 16 June 1909, 5 June 1915, 15 May 1924, Feilding Star, 8 June 1911, NZ Times, 23 June 1919 (Papers Past) [15 October 2013; 31 March 2014; 14 & 28 November 2015; 11 & 12 December 2024]; NZ Electoral Rolls ( [2014; 2024]

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