
SHIRES, Francis William
(Service number 78255)

Aliases Known as Frank
First Rank Private Last Rank Rifleman


Date 02/05/1878 Place of Birth Geraldine

Enlistment Information

Date Age
Address at Enlistment Pleasant Point
Occupation Sheep farmer
Previous Military Experience
Marital Status Single. Married 1919
Next of Kin William SHIRES (father), Geraldine; also advise Mr H. N. SHIRES (brother), "Burndale", Geraldine
Religion Church of England
Medical Information

Military Service

Served with NZ Armed Forces Served in Army
Military District

Embarkation Information

Body on Embarkation New Zealand Expeditionary Force
Unit, Squadron, or Ship 40th Reinforcements, E Company
Date 10 July 1918
Transport Tahiti
Embarked From Destination Plymouth, Devon, England
Other Units Served With
Last Unit Served With New Zealand Rifle Brigade

Military Awards

Service Medals
Military Awards Brought to the notice of the Secreatary of State of War for valuable services rendered in connection with the war and published in the press by the war office - 15. 4. 1919

Award Circumstances and Date

No information

Prisoner of War Information

Date of Capture
Where Captured and by Whom
Actions Prior to Capture
PoW Serial Number
PoW Camps
Days Interned
Liberation Date


Date Reason

Hospitals, Wounds, Diseases and Illnesses

Post-war Occupations


Date 12 September 1963 Age 85 years
Place of Death Timaru
Memorial or Cemetery Timaru Cemetery
Memorial Reference General Section, Row 139, Plot 53
New Zealand Memorials

Biographical Notes

Francis William Shires, whose birth and those of his siblings were all registered as Shiers, was born on 2 May 1878 at Geraldine. Known as Frank, he was the eldest son of William and Kate (née O’Shanessy) Shires. In January 1918, he appealed for an extension of time, as he afrmed 1120 acres and was the only one on the place. His case was dismissed. A sheep farmer at Pleasant Point and single, he named his father as next-of-kin – William Shires, Geraldine. Come 5 April 1918 and F. W. Shires was in the South Canterbury quota of the Fortieth Reinforcements who left for camp. The Band of the 2nd (S.C.) Regiment played the recruits to the station. Private F. W. Shires embarked for Plymouth, England, with the 40thy Reinforcements, on 10 July 1918, per the “Tahiti”. His service may have been all in England. He was on active service when his father died on 1 December 1918. His brother Harold, who had returned home wounded became his next-of-kin. A press despatch from London in March 1919 – Awards and Decorations – named members of the N.Z.E.F. who had been brought to the notice of the Secreatary of State for services rendered in connection with the war. One of those named was Private F. W. Shires, 78255. Francis married Annie Alice Rowden (née Willcox), a widow, on 2 July 1919 at Stafford, Staffordshire, England. He returned to New Zealand per the “Ayrshire”, embarking on 5 August 1919 at Liverpool and disembarking on 20 September 1919 at Lyttelton. Annie and her nine-year-old son, Desmond Shires, came to New Zealand by the “Paparoa”, departing on 12 November 1920. For some time Frank and Annie lived at Hazelburn. “Inquiries are being made for the whereabouts of Mr Frank Shires, of Hazelburn, Pleasant Point, who has been missing from his home since April 6. Mr Shires was last seen near the Rangitata bridge on April 9. He is 58 years old, and about five feet seven inches in height. He has fair, frizzy hair, greying at the temples. He was dressed in a navy suit, brown striped shirt, black and red tie, dark felt hat, and a grey tweed overcoat. When last seen he was carrying a small parcel wrapped in a towel.” [Ashburton Guardian, 18 April 1938.] Francis William Shires died on 12 September 1963 at Timaru and was buried in the local cemetery. Annie who died in 1972, was cremated and her ashes were buried with Francis, as were the ashes of his stepson, Herbert Edwin Desmond (Desmond) Rowden-Shires and those of his wife. Two brothers also served in World War One – Samuel Nelson Shires and Harold Nelson Shires.


Auckland War Memorial Museum Cenotaph Database [21 October 2021]; Timaru Herald, 23 January 1918, 4 April 1918, Otago Daily Times, 23 May 1919, Ashburton Guardian, 18 April 1938 (Papers Past) [20, 21 & 22 October 2021]; NZ BDM Indexes (Department of Internal Affairs) [21 October 2021]; Timaru Cemetery headstone image (Timaru District Council) [21 October 2021]

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Researched and Written by

Teresa Scott, SC branch NZSG

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