
(Service number 26/1053)

First Rank Rifleman Last Rank Rifleman


Date 22/05/1893 Place of Birth Temuka

Enlistment Information

Date Age
Address at Enlistment
Occupation Grocer
Previous Military Experience
Marital Status
Next of Kin Mrs H. THOMAS (mother), Temuka
Religion Methodist
Medical Information

Military Service

Served with NZ Armed Forces Served in Army
Military District

Embarkation Information

Body on Embarkation New Zealand Rifle Brigade
Unit, Squadron, or Ship 1st Reinforcements, 4th Battalion
Date 5 February 1916
Transport Ulimaroa or Mokoia or Navua
Embarked From Wellington Destination
Other Units Served With
Last Unit Served With Rifle Brigade

Military Awards

Service Medals
Military Awards

Award Circumstances and Date

No information

Prisoner of War Information

Date of Capture
Where Captured and by Whom
Actions Prior to Capture
PoW Serial Number
PoW Camps
Days Interned
Liberation Date


Date Reason

Hospitals, Wounds, Diseases and Illnesses

Post-war Occupations


Date 3 March 1964 Age 70 years
Place of Death Timaru
Notices Timaru Herald, 4 March 1964
Memorial or Cemetery Temuka Cemetery
Memorial Reference Services Section, Row 160, Plot 664
New Zealand Memorials

Biographical Notes

Percy Thomas was one of three sons of Henry and Agnes (née Whittington) Thomas, of Temuka, who served in World War One. Along with his siblings Percy attended Temuka School.

The Timaru Herald carried a report on 26 June 1919 of his arrival home from the war:

"On Tuesday a welcome was tendered to Privates P and R. Thomas by the Maoris of Arowhenua Pa in the Maori Hall. There was a good attendance considering the unfavourable weather conditions, and among those present was 1st Lieutenant H. Pohio, of the Pioneer Battalion. Excellent music was provided by Master Torepe and Misses Hopkinson and Gray while extras were kindly played by Mr Len Donnithorne. Mr Rehu acquitted himself efficiently as M.C. A bountiful supper was supplied by the ladies, after which the presentation of gold medals to the guests of the evening took place.

Mr J. Paiki apologised for the absence of the chairamn (Mr H. H. Torepe) who was away from the district, and called on Mr Gunnion, Mayor of Temuka to make the presentations. Mr Gunnion warmly eulogised the work of the boys at the front, and said that on "behalf of their Maori friends he was very glad to present them with well-deserved gold medals."For They are Jolly Good Fellows" was sung, after which Private Percy Thomas, on behalf of his brother and himself, heartily thanked their Maori friends for their kindness.

Dancing was then resumed and continued for several hours. The social was successful and reflected much credit on the organisers, Messrs J. Paiki and W. Torepe and their willing helpers."


Auckland War Memorial Museum Cenotaph Database [04 November 2016]; NZ BDM Indexes (Department of Internal Affairs) [04 November 2016]; School Admission records (South Canterbury Branch NZSG) [04 November 2016]; Temuka Cemetery headstone image (Timaru District Council) [04 November 2016]; SCroll web submission by T Brosnahan, 26 October 2017

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